Thursday, September 27, 2007
going peninsula plaza tmr! getting somemore skinny jeans. and the very "qiao" thing is that chong ang von will be going there too!! waahahaha!! after knowing from chong they will be going there is like you'll be meeting ur looonnnngggg lost pal that kinda feeling! i dont know why but just yea u know. and the thing is that i just met chong on mon. LOL!!
can't wait ar.. excited & happy! hahah. :D
and yess, pl funfair on sat! meetin the girls, becca wont be able to make it though. ):
shopping after that! hahaha. :D
1:02 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007

Started school today. Everything went well.
School was kinda fun la i must say. BUT.. I don't wanna study! ):
This semester will be very busy. And the time table sucks too! I've to go school eveyday now. Siannn...
For my GEM(General Elective Module) i choose Digital Photography! Heee.. :D
Anw, played paper mahjong during our 2hr breaks today.
Den got let off early. Meet pau and chong at parkway. Then off we went cycling at east cost park! Hahahaaahaha. I'm super tired now laaaa!
FUNNNN!! Ohh, i was really scare when i was riding down slopes. Cause of the previous time la. Hahaha..
Oh PL Funfair on sat. So girlsssss, what time shall we meet? Hahaha. :D
10:33 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Met up with Mrs Ong today. :D But only a few of us could make it. :( Like what Mrs Ong said, it's difficult to get eveyone together la.
Oh well.Met Pau and Chong at town first. Help B get her sis's birthday gift. $20 bucks for a Roxy wallet ar. Hahahaha. Cheap eh. (:
Then Vian came. Walk around taka, not sure what to get for Ong. So decided to get Mooncakes for her! Hahaha. (:
Diana and Manda came. Headed to Marina Bay for steamboat! :D We chatted,
gossip about PL
teachers. LOL!! Had lots of fun! (: I'm kinda lazy to elaborate la. Heee..
There will be more of these. Yea! :D
Oh yes, and we took lots and lots and lots of photos! Hahaha. It was damn funny lahhhhh! :D
1:05 AM
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Right. On the 5th, went swimming/tanning at B's aunt's place. Yup, then headed to Vivo. Tried the River Island shoe, looks weird on me. But the shoe is damn pretty la. Yea. Then walked around looking for bag. Saw this M)phosis bag, not bad. (: Simple and nice. :D
And TODAY, met up with the GIRLS!! :D
Has been ages since we met!
Went Maina Square then to Central then to PS. Went shopping! (:
Got some stuff. Oh and I got the M)phosis bag! Hehehehe. :D
Oh yesss, and babies can be
really annoying at times!
Argh! Babies.. Reminded me of this little boy we saw at Marina Square macs. He is super cute la. Hahahaha. He got that kinda sleepy eyes. You know you know. I can still remember how he look ar! Hahaha. Cute.
Right, went Central wanted to get the bread (I dont know what is it called). But was all sold out! ): Then walked around, continue looking for bags. (:
Oh oh! Jac & Von, THANKS for pei-ing me ar! Hahaha. Waited for B at Dhoby Ghaut MRT. Went The Cathay to collect B's phone.
Right, so while waiting, because we were really tired. Our legs is like breaking! Then either Von or Jac was saying borrow their (those insurance people) chair. They were having some survey ar. Then this guy, he was kinda near us, he tou ting what we say! He suddenly approached us and asked if we wanna borrow chair. If wanna borrow, then help him do survey. And Von happily say OK. Lol. But thank's for the chair la. Ha.
Those people who have wished me, THANK YOUUUUU!! (:
And and, Partner, Von, Klara, Jac and Pau, THANKS FOR THE PRESENT!!!!!!!!! :D Heeeee... Love you all la! Hahaha. (:(:(:
And B thanks ar! Hahaha. (:
11:19 PM
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Went vivo with B. Had
SUBWAY for lunch! It has been a long long looonnnnng time since I ate it.
Walked around. Was looking at bags. Didn't see any really nice one though. Saw one from M)phosis. Plain brown bag.
And there is this shoe from River Island. It's
damn it nice! Really. Love it. But it cost 89 bucks la. Cant afford. ):
Then headed to the theater. Watched The Bourne Ultimatum. Good show. Exciting. Niccceeeee. :D
After the show. Went to look for von, jamie, winnie and jie ying for a little while. They were outside food republic. And von told me that I shld try going there, sit down, look at the sea and drink. Very romantic. But when I went to find they were facing the "pool". Romantic ar von. LOL! Hahaha.
Caught up a little. (: Glade to see her la. After soo sooooo long! :D
Then B and I went food republic for our late dinner. Ate hokkien mee. I tell you, the hokkien mee there is
super nice!
Must try. (:
Then home!
Meeting pau on mon!:D And the girls, probably on the 8th! (:(:(:(:
Till then.
Oh yes, 5 more days! *hint hint.
12:15 AM