Thursday, June 28, 2007

zzzzzz.... -.-
SLEEPING!! That's what I feel like doing now mannn!! I'm damn tired! ):
There's MOB(management something something) test tomorrow and apprently I'm haven't even read through it. As in today ar. Haiii...
I wanna sleep!
All the other 4 test wad alright la. Managable. But as for Econs, I screwed up the paper. I didnt finish the paper. Did not complete the 7 marks qns. And the MCQ I jus anyhow circle. Not enough time mann.
And as for tomorrow's management skill paper, I dont think I'll do it well. It's a dumb module la. Alright anyway, gotta go study.
Till then. (:
11:00 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
[look at her previous post.]
i tink she's high or sumthin?!NUTS!
im waitin for her to call me and she still dun wanna slp now cos she is makin her nails.
u noe why?![look next 2 lines]
pui ♥ - caímos en amor says:
tmr got[goin to?!] meet my frens mus be mei mei.hahaha..wth rite..i vain pot..[shakeshead till its gonna drop.xD]
oh ya..
she's goin to be sad/angry wen she noes I TINK IM
babe ar babe
im veh tired alr..wo yao shui le!x((
12:56 AM
YEAHHH!! meeting the GIRLS tmrrrr!! wooohooooo!! so exited! lol!
anw, went tanning on wed. and like no diff. only my face look darker. and my hand and finger got "burnt". yea.
ohhh, the channel u 10pm hk drama is super niceeeeeeee!! yups.
and i cant wait to cut my hairrr!! wheeeeeee...
alright this post is soooo random!
oh oh oh. one more thing before i go. my mum's gonna bao ba zhang on sat! cant wait. the ba zhang she bao is SUPER DUPER niceeeeeeeee. i swear! really! (:(:(:
12:37 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
i'm feeling tired & lazy. all thanks to the damn weather.
and youtube is being dumb. or maybe it's jus my laptop.
anw, nothing much happened. tried studyin at mac today. i cant study outside la. keep getting distracted. met partner there. she was with her mum and 2 bro. maxi is adorable(?) la. maybe no longer adorable la. lol! yea.
tmr i'll be to going to the factory outlet sales at wing tai industrial centre. (: see if there's anyth nice there.
tanning on wed! (:(:(:(:(:(:(:
and meeting up with the GIRLS on fri! wooohoooo!!!! cant wait. and after sooo soooooooo long, finally ALL of us, all 6 of us will be meeing up again. (:(:(:(:(:
i hate the weather!! it's like sooo fucking hot! grrrr...
it makes me super moody and restless. which sucks!
and after the 2 week holis, i've one whole week of exam! ):):):
which means i've to start studyin NOW!
buttttttt the weather jus dont wanna cooperate! ):
11:22 PM